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Covid-19 Response

Dear SPM Students' Parents,

I hope this email finds you and your family well. We understand the concerns and anxieties that the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has brought about. We assure you that the safety and well-being of our students and staff remain our top priority.

We are happy to let you know that Sekolah Perkumpulan Mandiri has carefully monitored the situation, and we can relax some of our COVID-19 protocols and procedures based on the latest guidance.

The SPM community will continue to wear face masks, wash hands and reduce unnecessary contact. These well-accepted practices have proven to be effective and everyday life for us. 

The school's policy and practices will focus on individual needs. Our school nurse will conduct student temperature checks and medical supervision based on their judgement. Our security team will no longer perform in-car temperature checks. We will resume off-campus field trips for all grades and students to ensure better immersive learning and real-life experiences. 

If a member of the SPM community is unwell, we ask them to self-isolate at home until fully recovered. If a member of our SPM community is COVID-19 positive, they can return to school once fully recovered with a negative antigen result or a doctor's note. Learning for other fit and healthy students will remain unaffected, and classes will continue to be face-to-face. 

Please be assured that we will continue to closely monitor the situation and make any necessary adjustments to our protocols and procedures to ensure the safety and well-being of our students and staff. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during these challenging times.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Thank you for your continued support.

Your SPM Team

17th January 2023

Best Practices

  • Self isolate if any doubt
  • Wash hands regularly
  • Reduce close contact with others
  • Clean/Disinfect surfaces
  • Regularly check temperature
  • Eliminate non-essential travel

*If you, your child or a family member has any signs of sickness (flu-like symptoms), we kindly ask you to respect others and keep your child at home and only return to school when your child has fully recovered.

Students who are found to have any flu-like symptoms will be sent home immediately.

Moreover, we are carrying out daily ongoing cleaning/disinfecting of all school areas. This cleaning/disinfecting encompasses hallways, classrooms, tables, toilets, playground equipment, canteen areas, IT labs, reception, Gyms, PE Equipment and so on. This cleaning/disinfecting process will be ongoing and routinely done.

SPM's commitment is to keep calm, educate our community, be consistent in health and hygiene and base actions on facts.

These are the steps the school is taking to educate and maintain the health and safety of all. If any member of the SPM community is in any doubt then the course of action is Best Practice No. 1 (Self isolate if any doubt).

Thank you for your continued support.

Your SPM Team

Face to Face Learning

Dear SPM Community,

Whole School Face To Face Learning at Sekolah Perkumpulan Mandiri started in late January 2022. We continue to evaluate the conditions and will take the appropriate measure to ensure our SPM Community's health and safety. All students will be catered for in our immersive Hybrid Learning System, if you do have concerns please feel free to contact us.

For more information on new student enrolment, please get in touch with us on 0816-1690-008 or for existing students, don't hesitate to contact us on 0816-1690-005.

Reporting COVID-19 positive test results

  • Contact School Admin (+62 816-1690-005 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) to report COVID-19 positive test results and submit the recent antigen or PCR test result.
  • Individuals who are tested positive must self-isolate until the PCR test result turns negative.
  • Teaching and learning will shift to online during the period of self-isolation.

Contact Tracing

  • Contact tracing takes place as soon as SPM receives a confirmed positive test result.
  • SPM will reach out to individuals or parents who are listed as close contacts and notify them to self-isolate following the school regulation below.

On-site and Online School

SPM has set the school policy for on-site and online school for the period of August 2022 to December 2022:

COVID-19 transmission cluster < 5%

  • If the COVID-19 transmission cluster is < 5%, the class with confirmed positive case(s) will be closed for 5 days (5 x 24 hours) for disinfecting and cleaning. Teaching and learning will shift to online learning during the 5-day closure period.
Kindergarten (< 6 years old)
  • In the event of positive cases, close contact students <6 years old are required to self-isolate for 5 days (5 x 24 hours).
  • Learning will shift online during the self-isolation period.
  • If no symptoms arise, students are allowed to return to school on-site on the 6th day.
Primary School (6-12 years old)
  • In the event of positive cases, close contact students are required to self-isolate for 5 days (5 x 24 hours).
  • Learning will shift online during the self-isolation period.
  • If no symptoms arise, students are allowed to return to school on-site on the 6th day.
Jr. Sr. High School (12-17 years old)
  • In the event of positive cases, close contact students are required to self-isolate for 5 days (5 x 24 hours).
  • Teaching and learning will shift to online during the self-isolation period.
  • With parental consent, close contact students who are healthy, have no flu-like symptoms are allowed to learn on-site by sending proof of the following by email to the homeroom teacher and to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.:
  • letter from parents stating that the child is healthy and has no flu-like symptoms
  • an official proof of a negative antigen test result taken within 24 hours before requesting permission to attend school on-site.
  • proof of two doses COVID-19 vaccinations.

COVID-19 transmission cluster > 5%

  • If the COVID-19 transmission cluster is > 5%, school closure will be based on each school section which has positive case(s). The classes or school section with confirmed positive cases will be closed for 7 days (7 x 24 hours) for disinfecting and cleaning. Classes will shift to online learning during the 7-day closure period.
  • No students are allowed to learn on-site during the 7-day closure period.

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